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The Responsible ASIC Registered Agent

Ensure you and your clients are compliant!

$339.90 incl GST
in partnership with

CorpSec Services has partnered with Class Limited to offer webinar training to NowInfinity clients and ASIC Registered Agents.


CorpSec Services has been presenting this training webinar since August 2020 with fantastic feedback.  Over 1,000 ASIC Registered Agents, company compliance officers and ASIC administrators have attended this online training course. 


The course is designed to provide ASIC Registered Agents with an in-depth understanding of their role and obligations as an agent in accordance with the ASIC Registered Agent Terms and Conditions dated 12 May 2020. 


ASIC places an obligation on registered agents to keep up-to-date, comply and implement processes within their businesses that ensures compliance with their registered agent responsibilities.


This webinar provides agents with an opportunity to revisit their responsibilities, refresh their knowledge and reflect on their company secretarial practices.  It aims to equip ASIC agents with the skills and resources required to provide high quality corporate secretarial services to their clients and navigate ASIC lodgements.


You may choose between attending the live webinar or completing this course via online eLearning.  There is some overlap in the course content between the webinar and eLearning format offered.  The 16 hour eLearning course lends itself to provide more in-depth training.  To learn more about the eLearning course of the same title, click here.


The benefit of a live webinar is the opportunity to ask the presenters all your questions.  


Register now for this informative ASIC agent training. 

Who should attend?

ASIC registered agents who would like to better understand their role and responsibilities.


Accountants, bookkeepers and employees of accounting firms wanting further training on governance processes to be better equipped to handle their clients’ compliance work and ASIC lodgements.


Corporate secretarial officers, company compliance officers and managers.​


ASIC Administrators wanting in-depth training on ASIC lodgement requirements and processes

Agents keen to consolidate and refresh their knowledge of the ASIC Registered Agent Terms and Conditions.


Anyone wanting to deepen their understand of the rules and regulations around company compliance.


Agents preparing minutes and governance documents to support company changes.


Agents wanting to learn tips and tricks from an experienced practicing registered agent and governance professional.


Any agents new to the role or new to ASIC. 


Viola Headshot.jpg

Viola Pythas

Managing Director

CorpSec Services

  • LinkedIn
Emma Headshot.jpg

Emma Volpe


CorpSec Services

  • LinkedIn

Course Content

1. ASIC’s Role, Registered Agent Portal & useful tools:


1.1. ASIC's Role

1.2. Registered Agent Portal

1.3. ASIC Connect

1.4. ASIC Enquiries

1.5. Role of ASIC Registered Agent


2. ASIC Registered Agent Terms & Conditions dated 12 May 2020 & Electronic Lodgement Protocol:


2.1. Registered Agents’ Obligations

2.2. ASIC’s ongoing registered agent gatekeeping programs

2.3. Responsible Person /RA01

2.4. Requirement to change the registered office address

2.5. Withdrawing consent to use of registered office

2.6. Form 362

2.7. Corporate Key  - why is it invalid?

2.8. Electronic Lodgement Protocol (ELP)


3. Types of companies & key considerations when registering companies:


3.1. Types of companies

3.2. Registering companies

3.3. Consents to Act

3.4. Constitution vs Replaceable Rules

3.5. Adopting or modifying a Constitution

3.6. Governance documents for registering a new company

3.7. Wet or Digital Signatures


4. Maintaining Statutory Registers and onboarding new clients & exiting lost clients:


4.1. Maintaining company records on behalf of clients

4.2. Tips for onboarding new clients

4.3. Company Health checks

4.4. Tips for exiting lost clients

4.5. Case Study: Exiting lost clients / Registered Agent Obligations

5. Annual Reviews/Annual Company Statements:


5.1. Solvency Resolutions & Form 485

5.2. Late fees


6. Company Changes:


6.1. Common company changes

6.2. Other company changes – Special Resolutions

6.3 Company changes - Supporting documentation


7. Detailed look at Minutes:


7.1. Types of minutes / Resolutions 

7.2. The importance of minutes

7.3. S.251A – Requirement to keep a Minute book

7.4. Written resolutions vs meeting minutes

7.5. Ensuring minutes are validly passed in accordance with the Corps Act & a company’s constitution

7.6. When to Resolve, Ratify or Note?

7.7. Change of Directors – factors to consider

7.8. Resigning Directors - new cessation laws

7.9. Special resolutions and short notice


8. Tips and tricks


8.1. Useful reports for agents


9. Director IDs & Status of ASIC Company Registry Reforms


9.1. What was the MBR program (now defunct)?

9.2 Who needs to apply for a Director ID, when and how

9.3 ASIC's RegistryConnect Program 

Course Fee & Structure

$339.90 (Incl GST) 

3.5 CPD hours

Live 3.5 hour Zoom Webinar

Detailed Slide Presentation

Chat Participation


Certificate of Completion

Next Webinar Date:

Thursday, 27th March 2025​​​



11am - 2.30pm AEDT (NSW, Vic, ACT, Tas)

10am - 1.30pm AEDT (Qld)

10.30am - 2pm AEST (SA)

9.30am - 1pm AEDT (NT)

8am - 12.30pm AEDT (WA)


(Registrations now open)

Sign up here for email notifications regarding our webinars and for latest news!


Register for Webinar

(via Class / NowInfinity)

This webinar is presented in partnership with Class / NowInfinity

Click on the above link to go to Class' Eventbrite page to register 


"This course has been developed by practicing ASIC registered agents, specifically for other ASIC agents. It combines in one course, a diverse range of topics to equip those undertaking corporate secretarial services with confidence. The course is not software dependent and is not software training. It focuses on governance practices, regulatory requirements, ASIC lodgements and tips and tricks to assist ASIC agents in their role. 


Viola Pythas - CorpSec Services 

“Thank you for putting together The Resp. Agent Course. I can't believe this is something ASIC has not yet done. I have worked at a few practices looking after corporate compliance and I'm shocked at the level of knowledge required in this area and the premise that it is just an 'admin' role. Well done!”


Nicole - webinar attendee

"Viola and Emma from CorpSec services have developed a fantastic course for ASIC Registered Agents. With their wealth of knowledge in this specialised field, your team will leave this course with a comprehensive overview of the compliance requirements to become responsible Registered Agents"


Warren Renden, Head of Product - CAS360 @BGL Corporate Solutions 

“Thanks for the webinar yesterday, I found it very helpful. I have been looking for some sort of training like this for a few years now.”


Jen - webinar attendee

“I have been looking for this type of course for years and never really found anything like it, it was so helpful!”


Natasha - webinar attendee

To see our other courses

Copyright and Disclaimers:


© CorpSec Services, 2024. All rights reserved. Content in this course is subject to copyright under Australian law.

All content (excluding third party websites and documents) made available in this course may be used solely by the registered attendee for their personal and professional development. If you have access to these course materials and use them for other purposes, you could be infringing copyright and may face penalties under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or any of our policies that apply to you.


Apart from the uses specified in these terms, course materials and other content in this course may not be reproduced for any purposes, including commercial purposes, without prior written permission from us, except to the extent permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

The content in this course is accurate as at 30 April 2024 and is subject to change.  Changes are imminent.

This course is not certified, approved or endorsed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) nor is CorpSec Services Pty Ltd associated with ASIC in the provision of this training. 


CorpSec Services Pty Ltd does not provide legal, accounting or financial advice. The information is provided as a guide and does not represent a definitive or legal view of any of the issues raised, covered or referred to. We do not purport to provide advice or instructions on how the ASIC Registered Agent Terms and Conditions should be complied with for your particular purposes.  Course attendees should not act solely on the basis of opinions, comments or information provided in this course without seeking professional advice in respect of their own particular circumstances. The content is one interpretation of good corporate practice. It is not designed to cover or comply with all applicable legislation or case law. We cannot be held liable or accountable to any person who acts or relies solely upon the information provided.

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