Foreign Company Registrations
Providing seamless registration services to foreign companies trading in Australia
Foreign Company Registrations with ASIC (ARBN)
The process for registering a foreign company with ASIC is cumbersome and time consuming. A thorough understanding of ASIC's requirements is required in order to submit a successful application to register with ASIC and obtain an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN).
Company Registration Service
CorpSec Services provides: ​
Guidance on the requirements for registering foreign companies to carry on business in Australia;
Guidance and management of the ASIC registration process;
Co-ordination of the certified (and translated) documents required from the originating country;
Preparation of forms and related documents for lodgement with ASIC;
Introductory service to professionals who offer Public Officer services, if required;
Registered Office address services;
Co-ordinates ATO registrations;
Liaising and handling of all queries from ASIC on behalf of the client.
Director ID Requirement
​The director ID requirements also apply to directors of foreign companies registered in Australia. Foreign directors will need to apply for their director ID number via a PDF fillable form mailed to the ABRS locked bag along with directors certified identification documents. Refer to the ABRS website for further information on the specific certification and translation requirements. ​All directors will need to provide their director IDs before we can proceed with the appointments or a foreign company registration.
Ongoing ASIC Compliance
Provision of ongoing local agent services;
Lodgement of financial statements/annual return with ASIC;
Provision of registered office address services and mail onforwarding;
Preparation and lodgement of changes to the foreign company's details with ASIC.
Contact us to discuss how we can assist with the registration process and with the ongoing compliance requirements.